Saturday, October 4, 2014

Stopwatch Program

This marks the day I built my very first program in Java. It's just a simple Stopwatch program built using Netbeans using JavaBeans for data binding.

Download the Stopwatch here

You can also download the source here for reference:

Download the Stopwatch Source Code here

Thursday, October 2, 2014

TwoFace v1.0

What is TwoFace?
 - TwoFace is a launcher program used to launch an original program together with a second program after a 15 second delay.

What does it do?
 - Everytime TwoFace is activated, it searches for a config file. If the config file is not found, TwoFace will activate into setup mode. If somehow TwoFace finds the config file, it activates into launcher mode which launches the 2 associated program.

How does it do it?
 - It renames the original application to another file.
 - It then copies itself into the original app's directory and takes the name of the original app.
 - It then creates a config file in order to enter launcher mode.
 - It then hides the renamed original app and the config file.

Download TwoFace v1.0 here

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sync Video Converter [Version 0.1 Alpha]

Sync Video Converter is an FFMPEG front-end written in C#. By using FFMPEG, it can convert almost any format into another format. This is the alpha state of the program which indicates that there's yet so much to be done. This program is made for educational purposes.

What can it do:
 - Convert most video formats to AVI, MP4, WMV, and 3GP.

What has been done already:
 - Multiple video conversion.
 - Add video to queue via 'Drag and Drop'.

What's missing:
 - A program Icon (I suck at creating graphics lol)

Known Bugs:
 - Can't convert WMV files to other formats for now.

Future Updates:
 - Subtitle support
 - Extract Audio files from videos
 - Convert Videos to MP3 (audio only)

For suggestions, please write in the comments below. Thank you.

Download Sync Video Converter [Version 0.1 Alpha]

Thursday, June 12, 2014

C# - Embedding All DLL into a single EXE

DLL files gets ugly once it takes over the whole application folder. Fortunately, with just a few set of codes, your dll files can be embedded inside the application though this may make the application's (.exe) filesize looks big in the eye of the end user. Are you ready? Then the steps below.

  1. The most obvious step is to put all your dll files inside your application. To do that, create a folder called "Libraries" on your project and drag all the dll files inside that folder.
  2. Once you have all your dll files inside the folder, highlight all of them, right-click, then click Properties. At the property menu, change the "Build Action" to "Embedded Resource" and the "Copy to Output Directory" to "Do not Copy".
  3. What you need now is a little code magic. Go to your "Startup" program (in WPF, it's the APP.xaml) and add the following code below:

  4. Find that code that says' "[YourAssemblyName]" and replace that with your Assembly Name. If you don't know where to find your Assembly Name, go to 'Projects => ...Properties => Application' then you will see your Assembly Name.
  5. Try to run the program without the DLL and see if it works.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Salary Calculator v0.5

Salary Calculator v0.5 changelog

 - Added budget management (you can access the budget management screen by pressing menu).
 - Added a new boolean in the main screen to compensate the added budget management feature.

Edit: Some unexpected bugs occurred in the Budget screen. I've already fixed it. Please update your program now.

Download Salary Calculator version 0.5 here

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Salary Calculator v0.4

Salary Calculator version 0.4 changelog

 - Renamed SavCalc to Salary Calculator
 - Recoded program from Java to C# using Xamarin
 - Is now using Mono for Android
 - Added boolean if the user wants to calculate in Night Shift and/or with Deductions
 - Code optimized using Getter / Setter

Download Salary Calculator version 0.4 Here

Saturday, March 22, 2014

SavCalc v0.3

I have updated SavCalc into v0.3.

SavCalc is a lightweight Salary Calculator. At this moment, it is in Alpha Phase which means that most intended features are yet to be coded.


-- SavCalc now saves your settings.
-- Fixed a bug where the settings resets to default everytime it is opened.

You can download SavCalc v0.3 below:

SavCalc v0.3 Download